Uniformed Organisations

There are a number of different Uniformed Organisations that meet at the Church and are supported by us at The West Orchard Centre.  They do a wonderful job!

At West Orchard we have:

Rainbows (Monday night ) for girls aged 5-7.


  Brownies (both Thursday and Friday nights – different groups) for girls aged 7-10.

Guides (both Monday and Friday nights – different groups)for girls aged 10-14.

Ranger Guides (Friday nights) for girls aged 14 +

Beavers (both Tuesday and Thursday nights – different groups) for young people aged 6-8

Cubs (Both Monday and Tuesday nights, different groups) for young people aged 8-10½

Scouts (Thursday nights) ages 10½-14

Explorer Scouts (Wednesday nights) ages 14-18

 Please contact the church for more information on these groups!

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