Feb 22

Dear Friends

The Lord went ahead of them the whole time, a pillar of cloud to guide them by day and a pillar of fire to lighten their way by night, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night moved from its place in front of the people. [Exodus 13:21-22]

Imagine what it must have been like to be one of the people of Israel during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Many, no doubt, must have thought their flight from Egypt would be short, leading swiftly on to an exciting if somewhat uncertain future. Many wanted to go back to things as they were. The reality, however, was that a lifetime’s journey lay ahead, living as nomads in search of the Promised Land.  Precisely where that was – and when they would get there – seemed hidden even from Moses. Yet, though the final destination was unclear, the route they had to take was not a matter of guesswork, for God was there to guide them. Just as he had led Abraham so now, with a pillar of cloud and fire, he directed their footsteps.  They did not travel alone; God was travelling with them.

By the time many of you read this we will have had our final celebratory service honouring the many years we have gathered at Warwick Road Sanctuary and our first service of the new Baginton Road URC and I know that your emotions may be like the people of Israel. Some will be excited about what lies ahead, whilst others will be mourning what is being left behind. It may take some time for us to recognise that we are all fellow pilgrims on a journey into the unknown.

Not many of us are privileged to receive such a clear sign of God’s presence as pillars of smoke or fire but the principle is one that applies to each one of us. As we journey into the next stage of our Christian life together, God is always there to share in our pilgrimage – leading, encouraging, equipping, providing. We have no more idea of where our path may take us than Abraham or Moses had, but we can have the assurance that wherever we are asked to travel, God will travel with us.

God bless you all,

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